Journaling Tips for 2021 and Every Day After That!

Let’s face it, sometimes we just get stuck when it comes to journaling. And nowadays it’s way too easy to get writer’s block from being stuck at home all the time. We know you are here because you are tired of journaling feeling like a chore now and you want to go back to making it fun! We listed out some quick and easy ways to get yourself back in the writing saddle. Keep in mind, these are all tips for a physical or digital journal. We know you might blog and some of us love the feeling of putting pen to paper - whatever your preference may be, use this guide how you seem fit and we hope it ultimately helps you get back into your rhythm. 💕

Journaling Tips

Customize Your Journal

Tell me what is more fun than personalizing something of yours? If you have a physical journal, they now usually come with fun little stickers to add to it. Everything from check marks for your to-do lists to fun little phrases to remind yourself that you are killing it! Grab some colored markers and doodle all over like you used to when you would ignore your Stats teachers. For you online gals, break out the good ol’ clip art or download stock images to add to some flair to your writing. And why not go wild? Use different colors and fonts to make things a little sassy and silly.

Keep a List of Prompts Ready

Nothing is more aggravating that sitting down during your writing time and NOTHING is coming to mind! You have a total writer’s block and your plans come to a halt. Well now what are you supposed to do? Luckily, you have prepared for this moment and have a doc ready of quick and easy journaling prompts. We may be biased, but the best list to always have on hand is the Girlcrush Collective Journal Prompts already have a whole doc prepared when you are staring at that blank page. We may be biased, but we love to have our journaling prompts from our “Keeping A Journal in 2020” blog. Just jot down a few ideas one day, save it in a file that is easily accessible, and bye bye writer’s block! 

Use Writing As Therapy

Some days you need to just vent and let all of that negative energy out of your system. One healthy and creative way to do so is by writing it all out in your journal. If you’re like us and fully believe in getting rid of that icky energy, you can write out all of the negative things you’re feeling and thinking. Then when you’re done, rip up or burn (safely) the paper. It gives you back the control over your life and situations! It’s very therapeutic to destroy the stuff that gives you bad vibes.

Set A Time

Sometimes it’s really hard to maintain a schedule or a daily routine - especially nowadays (if you’re reading this in 2021, that is). But try to dedicate a certain time each day or every other day to journal. Let out your thoughts and feelings from the day. Write about your hopes and dreams to inspire yourself to work harder throughout the rest of the day. When you start getting a set time around journaling, you will start to get excited for that time to pop up on the clock where you can simply let your mind wander and be free!

Write Whatever Comes to Mind!

The best thing about journaling is that no one else is going to read it so you can write about pure nonsense if you feel like it. You can start with what your surroundings look like. If you’re in a public space like a Starbucks, you can make up the life story of someone that looks interesting near you. You can even try to make up your own language if you want! There are no rules when it comes to journaling and not a single Facebook Karen is there to remind you that it is you’re* and not your*. 

Whether you journal for fun, to keep yourself accountable, or to document your journey from being a lone entrepreneur to a full on business owner, you do it YOUR way! Let the words float onto the page/screen and don’t stop until you want to. We hope you find peace and fun in journaling and that you will share your own journaling tips with us soon!


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