Pinterest SEO Tips: How To Rank First

Visitors to Pinterest are not viewing the time spent with the platform as a social media break, but rather a binge on idea generation! We all flock to Pinterest to help stimulate new ideas and create inspiration! You can have the greatest idea of the bunch, but if you haven’t optimized your pins and your profile, you may be missing out on many of the views and engagement that you deserve! Fear not! We have compiled a list of the best SEO tips to help your profile and your pins stand out and get the recognition and attention that it deserves. 

Tip #1: Set the Foundation – Optimize your Profile! 

Creating a profile that performs well in a search is just as important as putting forth the effort to enhance awareness and engagement for your pins! You need to fine-tune your profile and username to let your audience know who you are and what you care about. Think of this as the first step in branding your Pinterest presence. Picking a username that is straightforward, memorable, and relevant will ensure that that your presence is accurately reflected. This can easily be accomplished by heading to your settings to change your username and, in turn, change your keyword. 

Tip #2: Develop and Enhance Your Boards!

Your boards need to visually pleasing and well-organized – remember a visually satisfying aesthetic will pull your audience in and make them want to explore your profile and pins even further! Titles are what require the most focus when considering how to optimize your SEO. When creating titles for your boards you have to consider how your audience and viewers will be searching and choosing which boards to engage with. It is of the utmost importance that your craft a title that accurately describes the content within the board, while also appealing to the user’s perspective. For example, some buzzwords well-suited for the title of a fashion board include style, fashion, season names, designer names – anything that your target may be using to find specific content!

Tip #3: The Holy Grail of Pinterest – PINS! How to optimize them!

First, focus on the visual content – think about how you act while scrolling through the results of your Pinterest search. Beautiful visuals are what make you stop scrolling, without a well-curated image it is possible that viewers won’t be interested and will not interact. Next, you need to be descriptive – this is how search engines are going to find and suggest your pins! Again, think about what makes your content unique and how it may best relate to what your users are going to be searching for. Don’t be afraid to get creative and enhance your description as much as possible to optimally reflect your visuals!

Tip #4: Descriptions are your Besties – Not an Afterthought

This tip relates to the previous one, but the point to be made here is that your description deserves the same amount, if not more, energy and effort dedicated to it as your profile, boards, and visuals. Why? Because Pinterest favors highly descriptive pins. This means that your need to be precise, thoughtful, and unique. Another important factor to keep in mind while constructing your descriptions is that the quality of your description can greatly affect your chances of having it repinned due to the search algorithm and Pinterest’s appreciation of accurate descriptions. 

Tip #5 If I was a Rich Pin

(Sang In our Best Gwen Stefani Impression)

If you are new to Pinterest, you may be wondering, “What on earth is a rich pin, and why are they singing Gwen Stefani”? One of those questions requires no explanation (you know what we mean), and the other is fairly simple to explain! If descriptions are your Pinterest best friend, then rich pins are your sis when it comes to boosting your SEO! Rich pins are pins that are created from a website – which means more information and content included in a single pin! This helps to boost your discoverability, as well as traffic to your website if you have one. 

Tip #6: It Doesn’t Hurt to Give Your Pin a Little Boost

Pinterest ads provide an opportunity for you to pay to promote your pins! This is great if you are introducing a new website, product, want to promote one of your better-performing pins, or maybe you are adding new content to an existing pin and desire the boost! Because Pinterest is more of a discovery platform, and less of a social media engine, there is not much noise and clutter from advertisers. The reason this is beneficial to you is because it means that users are more likely to interact and engage with ads, rather than tune them out because they are receiving too many. 

Tip #7: The Ultimate Tip – BE CONSISTENT

Consistency is key in everything – and Pinterest is no exception! Continuing to exercise good SEO practices ensures that you will continue to build awareness with your profile, boards, and pins, while also increasing your engagement with your followers. Also important, as you continue to follow good SEO practices, Pinterest’s algorithm will learn more about your account and be able to accurately share it with relevant users. This is incredibly significant! It may seem like you would want your content to reach as many people as possible; however, this is neither feasible nor recommended. You need to understand your audience and create content that resonates with them so that they repin, like, share, and engage! 

In conclusion…

Pinterest is meant to be the mecca of idea-sharing. This is where we all go for our newest muses, ideas, and motivation. Think about it from your perspective, when you search you want to find things that are relevant, smart, and inspiring! So, when you are creating your profile, your boards, and your pins, keep in mind that properly optimizing your SEO delivers your content to the best possible audience and ensures that they are receiving relevant results that keep them coming back for more! 


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